Tuesday, June 15, 2010

AFIA to host webcast for feed mills adding medications

The American Feed Industry Association announced a special webcast dealing with inclusion of drugs in feed. Topics to be considered in the June 15 event include new details about the required annual registration process. This one-time webcast has the support and cooperation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Lonnie Smith, an FDA expert on the DER process, will be the featured guest presenter. He will explain the process and related compliance changes and answer questions. AFIA urges all licensed medicated feed mills to have at least one employee participate in this online event from 3 to 5 p.m. EDT.
Richard Sellers, vice president of feed regulation and nutrition for the AFIA, anticipates that the webcast will address many questions and concerns to facilitate registration. Sellers will assist Smith in his presentation.
“The medicated feed mills, in particular, will benefit greatly from the information offered on June 15,” said Sellers. He added “I believe a lot of the confusion and concerns that have surrounded the roll-out of this new registration process will be cleared up as a result of hearing what Lonnie Smith has to say.”
In June 2009, the FDA announced it would no longer accept paper copies of the annual DER, and an electronic registration would be required instead at a site established by the FDA. In the transition to the new system, many feed companies experienced difficulties in using the FDA site. Problems have included the need to block anti-virus software and the need to obtain a number for each plant and new software to interface with the special FDA website.
For information on registering for the webcast, call the AFIA at 703.666.8092 or
e-mail Sharon Henry.

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