Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Let’s focus on formulating the right food policies

We know all about least-cost formulation and cost-effective production when it comes to getting the best out of our livestock through scientifically-based feed rations, but we are woefully inadequate when it comes to getting across to the general public - and politicians in particular - the essence of what we are achieving in terms of improvements in the efficient use of valuable world resources.
We are taking increasing criticism from poorly informed pressure groups and others that claim livestock are eating ingredients that could and should be used to feed people!
Whether we are formulating feeds or formulating policies, the principles to my mind, are the same - taking a safety first approach; aiming for an efficient use of resources; getting the best return from the money and effort applied; and achieving the objectives that we set out to achieve at the beginning.
It’s about time we took a stand and began to defend our industry where it matters - among policy formulators and the public. Read the rest of the blog.

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